Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Inner Britney Demands Your Attention

Chello world, I pray these words find you living sexy fantastic. If not you can smack the next trick that you meet.

Please have your bail money ready.

Spent the day taping for Thursday night show with Redd Angel. You can catch it at www.uwmixradio.com this Thursday from 7pm to 9pm. I will be on there the first hour. I will be glad to chit chat with you via text from the website while it airs.

If you missed Glee tribute to Britney....you are hereby dead to me. Honestly, Glee is stepping up their game this season. The ditsy blonde really showed every inch of her ass during her dance moves. Now I'm pretty sure this episode has spawned a whole new generation of pre-skittles.

Even though the whole episode was dedicated to Britney Spears, it was the last song of the show that made me say...awww where's my boo to sing this song too? Its by Paramore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J7J_IWUhls. Check it out!

I'm on Facebook and happen to become buddies with someone who is doing something very inspirational and positive. Introducing, Byron Jamal, an up and coming author of his new book, "UNLOVABLE: How to find love in the midst of unlovable people, about a pastor, stripper and athlete who all feel they are unlovable.

You can read up about Byron on his website, www.byronjamal.com  His book and other contact information is on his website. Be a blessing and buy his book. Its going to be a very good read.

Well kids, I have to bid you adieu. The bed calls and I must answer. Before I go, all Spoken Word artist hit me up! Sunday is Spoken Word and the Theme Word is: Honesty.

Peace and Blessings

Positively Alexzander

Catch Me On Redd Angel Radio